星期日, 3月 21, 2010

[英文]ride off into the sunset

在閱讀 Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 這本書的前言時,作者提到他看到 App Store 時,想到他之前已經寫了一堆 iPhone 上的 web 應用,所以認為:
Some of my web apps were already somewhat popular, and I figured I’d just rewrite them as native apps, put them in the App Store, and ride off into the sunset on a big, galloping pile of money.
這裡頭的 "ride off into the sunset" 本來一直搞不懂文意,後來看了《CNN新聞關鍵用語:英語詞彙語用策略實例》一書〈典故〉篇,原來這句話是從西部電影來的,西部電影通常結尾都是主角騎著馬在落日餘暉下遠去,所以 "ride off into the sunset" 就演變成形容退場、結束的意思了,因此之前提到的那一整段就是說:
我寫的web應用中有些已經很紅了,所以我發現只要重新寫成原生應用,上架到 App Store,就可以海賺一票離開了!

